Julien Renaud

"Aye, 'tis upon reflection that every twist of time's river and fate's whims are brought into sharp relief."- A dear friend
✧ Recollection ;➻ Backstory
"time wilts and fades"

The Dragonsong War had plunged House Renaud into financial collapse, its downfall one of painstaking attrition. Though Viscount Marcellant attempted to stem the flow of conscripts and coffers alike, he was ultimately forced to renounce his nobility, relieve his retinue of their duties, and become an independent merchant to support himself.Lady Azucena, better known by the epithet, The Dervish of the Desert, was once a celebrated principal Dancer of Troupe Falsiam, where she graced many a gilded stage in her prime. After passing on her title, she bowed out of the spotlight and dedicated her time to becoming a jeweler of some renown, now responsible for many of the embellishments seen on Thavnairian Dancer attire.A chance encounter at one of her performances brought the two Elezen together, where the young lord was mesmerized by her flourished steps. Courtship took root before their love bloomed into a unique Ceremony of Eternal Bonding, with décor and dress borrowed from each of their native lands. Not long after, they were blessed with a son, Julien. They loved him dearly and were eager to impart as many of their traditions as they were able. Thus, in an unconventional approach, they spent equal time between their respective homelands, living in Ishgard for half of the year, and the other in Radz-at-Han.While immensely gratifying in some ways, growing up as an only child from Coerthas to Thavnair had put Julien at an impasse betwixt his divergent background - at odds with how he had a connection with both, but felt accepted by neither. Learning the customs of one seemed to hinder the other, and he was never able to reconcile his identity as well as his parents would have hoped. This culminated in an ardent desire to truly understand himself, and he sought to become an Adventurer in its purest sense. With lofty aspirations of exploring the world over, Julien hoped to experience myriad other cultures, and somehow make sense of himself along the way.
✧ Dossier ;➻ Profile
"autumn's whisper soaring high"

Name: Julien Renaud
Race: Elezen, Wildwood
Height: 6 fulms, 11 ilms
Weight: 217 ponze
Age: ~30 autumns
Nameday: 18th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Guardian: Thaliak, the Scholar
Languages: Eorzean, Ishgardian, Thavnairian
Voice Claim: Ray Panthaki - <Sample>Appearance - Julien's deep, rich complexion is a blend of his fair-skinned father and dark-skinned mother, and one he is heartened to say gives him great pride. His silken, rose-hued locks, oft cut in short styles, are kept perfectly coiffed, and a neatly trimmed beard frames his sharp jawline. Short of ear and long of limb, the Elezen stands among the tallest of his ilk, but any intimidation his stature may impose is quickly offset by his gentle demeanor. His deceptively slim constitution belies a toned physique, as his strenuous handiwork has lent itself well to his corded, vein-crossed forearms. The Elezen's handsome features are marred by an indelible childhood injury, though its origin isn't one he shares with others. Permanently etched on his left cheek is a large, jagged gash, and his stark white eye contributes to a slew of visual impairments.Attire - Julien allows himself to indulge in vanity, investing more time than he'd like to admit in front of his glamour dresser. A keen interest in fashion was nurtured by his parents at a young age, with the tiny Elezen raiding their closet and trying on their garments all at once. An aristocrat in all but name, he enjoys dressing the part of a dapper fellow, even in casual wear. Julien cuts a dashing figure in his preferred finery, with well-tailored ensembles accentuating his svelte frame, and accoutrements such as waistcoats and cufflinks donned on his person. As a matter of personal style, he can be seen adorned in opulent jewelry of his own making - from slender finger to pointed ear.Disposition - Shy to a glaring fault, Julien is awkward in nature - a trait that has hindered him since his early years. He is rarely the one to initiate contact, with hesitancy obliging much of his interactions. Moving around as much as he did made it particularly difficult for the Elezen to forge relationships and keep friends. His uneasiness sometimes supersedes his better judgment, where he can withdraw entirely when gripped by anxiety. Once that rapport is built, however, reticence gives way to excitability, and he reveals an affectionate, effervescent side to a chosen few. Should he secure the trust of another, they will have earned a friend for life. With traces of a soft smile on his carefully chosen words, Julien speaks in dulcet tones - Near Eastern lilt coupled with the dignified cadence of his highborn heritage.
✧ Affinity ;➻ Astrologian | Goldsmith
"catch a falling star"

✧ Where most boys his age would spar with wooden swords, rife with dreams of becoming Temple Knights, Julien instead found himself sidling on to the Athenaeum Astrologicum. It was a cozy sanctuary for the timid Elezen, and he found comfort among the faint smell of parchment and peculiar, whirring armillary spheres. So enthralled was he by how they were ever in a state of flux, that he endeavored to unravel their inner workings and learn how to fabricate his own.From his father, Julien inherited his gift of healing magicks, which compensated for his subpar powers of foresight. However, his interests lied moreso in crafting Astrologian arms to support fellow practitioners of the art. As a fledgling in the field, the Elezen was fascinated to discover that one need an exhaustive understanding of the stars in order to craft the tools which may read them. Julien therefore devoted himself wholeheartedly to studying astromancy, pursuing a formal education in Ishgard, and later, Old Sharlayan. His abilities improved for a time, though he concluded his years at their institutions with middling marks, decidedly average despite his most fervent efforts.✧ Though he broke his fair share of star globes in his youth, Julien gradually developed a deft hand as one who may wield and craft these fragile instruments. With precise touch, he is able to refine precious metals, imbue them with aether, and fashion all manner of astrological tools for decorative or practical use. Julien acquired his skill in metallurgy as a short-lived apprentice of the Skysteel Manufactory, and his budding affinity for gemcraft comes courtesy of his mother. Indeed, some of his fondest memories involved sitting alongside her, learning how to facet gemstones by firelight at Kadjaya's Footsteps, as dancers abound twirled to Near Eastern melodies.With respect to the assemblage of astrometers, the requisite ability to ensure that each metallic fragment, gemstone, and divining card would follow a predetermined path was not only immense, but taxed the maker significantly. Thus, Julien does accept the occasional commission as a freelance artisan, yet the turnaround is quite lengthy. His diligent work ethic and meticulous process means he lingers overlong on each element, but with nary an imperfection to show for it once completed. August reputation on the rise, the Elezen also offers his services to repair these instruments, including polishing, sanding, aetherial fortification, and divining card exchange. A select few of his pieces are reserved for personal use and displayed in his workshop, including one such planisphere that differs for being notably broken - a curious addition among his pristine compositions. Julien ever seeks rare metals and gems to tinker with, and his boundless fascination with experimentation can sometimes yield wondrous results.
[ Redacted ]➻ Veracity
"luster lost in the rain"

At least, that was the story he told others. Most of it was true, but the finer details of Julien's talents and motivations were woven into a carefully crafted lie. To uphold his sterling veneer, the Elezen would tailor his past to veil those darker areas he'd prefer to forget entirely.As erstwhile nobility, Julien and his family occupied a niche in the Ishgardian hierarchy. They were rejected by both the upper class and lower rungs alike, essentially belonging to neither stratum. This painted an easy target on Julien's back, spurring on relentless bullying from both ends of the social spectrum. Adults generally ignored him, but children, be they highborn or lowborn, were especially brazen. It started off innocuous enough - offhand comments on his ears, or pelted with the errant snowball. Then began the disparaging remarks on his skin color, or being bombarded with chunks of solid ice. Julien would never engage, no matter how much he was provoked. His parents were powerless to stop them, as they were no longer safeguarded by their titles. For how would one punish a child who had everything, or one who had nothing?The boy would continue his studies unabated, turning heads at the Observatorium and Astrologicum. He not only excelled in astromancy far beyond his peers, but also demonstrated a finesse over the art not often seen in one so young. As the Elezen grew older, so did the attacks become more brutal. On the road home, he'd often be accosted and assaulted behind Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral, no less. Following one particularly heated exchange, one street urchin, emboldened by past deeds, used his misguided courage to wrench Julien's star globe out of his trembling hands and strike him cleanly across the face with it. Something in Julien snapped that day.Never before had he used astromancy to harm, but he'd had enough. With one eye rapidly swelling shut and blood trickling down the side of his face, he finally retaliated. The incantations poured forth seemingly of their own volition, guided by rage born of years of untold suffering. In sequence, a spatial confluence to affect the area only around the assailant; Time Dilation, to distort its passage within that plane; at last, Gravity, to inflict several lifetimes of immeasurable pain all in the span of just a few seconds. Julien broke out of his reverie long after the piercing screams had subsided.'Permanently disfigured' was how the chirurgeons put it. The wretch was alive, but barely, and with no quality of life to speak of. In the grand scheme of Ishgard, one less person in the Brume was inconsequential, just as it always had been. Trial by combat was waived, as no one would formally accuse him, and the Holy See had eyes only for heresy amidst the ongoing war. Julien's parents condemned his actions and distanced themselves from him - abject horror overshadowing their usual unconditional support. Ultimately, the only accountability he faced was his own - the staggering shame at what he had done. Yet rumors quickly spread of the disgraced child's deeds, each more grandiose than the last. Before the ensuing chaos could come to a head, the Elezen had arrived at a grim decision: Julien was left with no other recourse but to flee Ishgard.In the intervening years, the Elezen traveled alone, all while attempting to atone for his actions. He cut off communication with his family in Ishgard, believing himself thoroughly irredeemable, and gave Thavnair a wide berth, unsure how his relatives there would receive him. Julien would eventually reach Old Sharlayan, where he resolved to begin anew. Julien plied his trade as a Goldsmith, finding favor amongst the learned populace by way of his astrometers. He also gained admission to the Studium, mindful to coast at an average level to maintain a modest profile. In this northern land, far away from home, Julien would encounter fellow wayward souls set adrift by life's capricious hand. Some would go on to become his dearest of friends, some, his trusted traveling companions besides, and others still, perhaps something more.
✧ Tailwind ;➻ Relationships
"gentle song, gently wand'ring"

✧ Urianger AugureltA frisson of intrigue thrummed within Julien when he was first introduced to the man called Urianger Augurelt. Having met at the Studium, he was immediately drawn to the eccentric Elezen, for he saw much of himself in him. Contrary to his initial misgivings, they became fast friends. They were able to bridge any initial awkwardness due to, as Urianger put it, "being Elezen of like age" and having a taste for sweet pastries. In fact, it was Urianger who first extended an offer to study together during a particularly challenging divination lesson. Conversation flowed easily due to their inquisitive natures, and they were effortlessly able to connect in their shared interests. That, and a boisterous Moenbryda now had a bookish lad on each arm to thrust into her mischief, as they half-begrudgingly followed suit.Urianger and Julien roomed together at the Baldesion Annex, though they hardly spent time in their living quarters. Instead, the scholarly pair was commonly sighted knee-deep in research at the Noumenon, or with their schoolwork sprawled out over their table at the Last Stand. They were known to forget to eat when caught in the throes of study, which would always earn them a hearty reprimand from Moenbryda. The two Elezen lent a few homey touches to their dormitory by way of star charts and other celestial decorations, amidst the errant book scattered haphazardly throughout their room.After Urianger became an Archon and eventual Scion of the Seventh Dawn, he and Julien kept in contact as trusted confidants. The two wrote to each other many a time, enthusiastically recalling their days in academia. They'd reunite once Julien unwittingly became a vaunted ally of the Scions in his capacity as a Goldsmith. On the eve and wake of countless skirmishes, Julien would tend to Urianger's Astrologian armaments while also ensuring that his companions' weapons never lost any of their luster. In the years that followed, the pair would remain close thereafter, for an intimate and everlasting friendship had been fostered.✧ Aurorillon Victoir
✧ Ivarrault Jolicoeur
- - more to follow - -
✧ Whimsy ;➻ Tidbits
"petals cast aloft"

「 Quick Favorites 」Mount: Cloud Mallow • Striped Ray
Minion: Anteater • Brave New Urianger
Flower: White Brightlily
Dyes: Pure White • Pastel Pink
Jewelry: Manasilver Ear Cuffs • White Carnation Earring
Furniture: Skylight Chandelier • Heavenly Ornamental Array
Snacks: Lemon Waffle • Rolanberry Cheesecake • Pixieberry Tea✧ Julien had never had a taste of the privilege afforded by aristocracy, yet all the same, his father instilled the importance of etiquette and how to conduct oneself with utmost decorum. He was instructed in such disciplines pertaining to proper speech, fine dining, and personal hygiene, to name a few. With no suitable atmosphere to apply these teachings, much of it was lost to him over time. Julien couldn't rightfully tell you where to place your dinner fork, but makes up for it with his impeccable manners and debonair impression.✧ Though Julien dons a vast array of earrings and ear clasps with elegance in mind, they also serve to conceal the rosy blush that blossoms over his delicate ears when he's embarrassed or uncertain. Sensitive are they to frigid temperatures as well, for Julien's most cherished accessory is the fluffiest, most dense pair of fleece earmuffs the realm has seen. It bestows unending protection against the cold, but effectively renders him unable to hear. Unnoticed prods or attempts to garner his attention are met with a yelp and a swift jab, in jest.✧ When inspiration strikes, the Elezen can be found hastily drafting his next concept in his always on-hand sketchbooks. Julien's designs loosely borrow from the splendor of Ishgardian architecture and the vibrance of Hannish color palettes. This signature style has earned him a fair degree of eminence in the field. He has since broadened his repertoire to moonlight as a portrait artist, yet his depictions of people can be, politely put, appalling. Otherwise, he enjoys absentmindedly drawing exquisite, intricate patterns, reminiscent of scrollwork or filigrees.✧ As prone to introversion as Julien may be, writing letters strikes the perfect balance with the desire to socialize and doing so at his own pace. Quite skilled in the art of correspondence, he pens his letters with aureate diction in willowy cursive for formal affairs. His more familiar recipients, on the other hand, are presented with handwriting that can only be described as 'cute', punctuated with numerous exclamations and adorable scribbles of him and his friends. Occasionally, he'll enclose a small gift, such as a souvenir from his travels, or a personalized, handmade curio.
✧ Whispers ;➻ Intrigue
"will you, when i'm gone, remember me?"

✧ Stargazing has ever been a cherished pastime of Julien's. Alone atop the highest perch he could feasibly reach, you might find the Elezen reclining leisurely on his back, arms folded behind his head, and eyes tilted skyward. Should you spot him on your travels, strike up a conversation with him - you may learn something new about the stars, or perhaps of yourself.✧ Julien longs to connect with others who share in his Coerthan or Thavnairian ancestry, hoping to gain a stronger footing on his identity. Should your background derive from manifold regions or races, he would delight in not only partaking of your experiences, but also in breaking bread with you. The Elezen may not be forthcoming at the outset, but after trading a few of your own anecdotes, he may well return the favor.✧ Have you an interest in jewelry? Julien firmly believes that deeper significance lies behind every precious article, be they treasured family keepsakes, heirlooms of cultural import, or even extravagant items of wealth. There's a story behind every piece of jewelry, and as a Goldsmith, Julien would hear yours with gracious reverence.✧ Ever the hapless and hopeful romantic, Julien has not yet placed his heart in the hands of another, though not for lack of trying. He hopes to one day find a gentleman who reciprocates his fancy, though his search has borne little fruit thus far.